Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Site Specific Plays Days 1 and 2

I think Chandler's play was very successful in terms of raising questions: in the first minute I already had three. The play struck a good balance between peaking our interest and not giving too much away... I think I know where it was but I'm not sure, and I like that it was slightly open to interpretation. For example, when Hannah rubbed her arm coming back into the room, that made me decide where I thought it was. If she hadn't done that motion, I think I would have had a different opinion. I also thought there were good reversals, mostly in Chandler's character: wanting her to open the notebook, then not, freaking out but not wanting help, etc.

I think the choice to have one person play every character was successful at times and not so much at others. I thought it was an interesting concept, and Chandler executed it really well, but I have a feeling that if I didn't know that context ahead of time I might not have understood it. I guess I wish that the transition from character to character had been slightly more obvious, although I thought each character was developed really well (each had a very distinct personality, which was great), and that each of them had distinct mannerisms. What I loved was the repetition of the lion (bracelet? I can't remember what exactly it was). That's what made the whole thing click, and where I understood the relationships between all the characters. Oh wait just kidding, I just read Chandler's blog post and figured out that the woman had multiple personalities. OK then that makes more sense, but maybe it's also good to know that's how I, as an audience member, interpreted the play.

I liked the setting a lot. I thought it was an interesting challenge, to set a play not in modern times. Also, it provided an interesting climax. I thought Kenneth's reversal was great because it was unexpected: declaring his love and then dying could have been cliché, but the fact that he admitted that it had been sort of out of desperation was a nice twist.

Like Chandler, I think Kayla did a good job of raising questions at the beginning of her play, although hers differed from Chandler's because they were answered (which , in this case, I liked). I also really liked the concept in general: being trapped in limbo, and trying to get into Hell because Heaven is locked? It was original and of itself a reversal of what we would normally think about heaven and hell.

As usual, Oliver's play had a sense of humor and an original concept. I thought the fact that the characters really interacted with their setting (they moved a lot and always made it clear where exactly they were) made the play really effective and helped me get more into it. The characters had very distinct personalities which provided for conflict throughout the play, and I thought that Kayla's characters decision to leave Julie's character out of the shuttle was a good way to end the play because it was unexpected.

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