Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Third Stage of our Glorius Plays

The plays in the small area in the basement

This goes for all the plays but I really thought that they used the fact that it was a small space to their advantage. The play with the person who gets claustro phobic was excellent because it made me feel as if the room really was closing. Each person also took use of the difference the room's aura was when the lights were on and off. Each of theirs plays gave characters that showed a complete different interaction to the small dark/light room that would set the mood for the entire play and really would draw the audience in.

The plays in the stairwell of the performance place

The plays from this space, I found, had a distinct personality reversal. With the play where the amazing actress, a huge meanie, finds out the seemingly impossible results that she did not get the main actress, and instead the "ugly" secretary gets the part. Also the play where the man ends up thinking he is insane, despite his belief he was meeting someone special, this to me was a very big mental reversal. One thing I wish to conclude with is that I thought it absolutely brilliant that they used more than simply the minuscule corner of the gigantic performance space, simply genius, if I do say so myself.

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