Thursday, March 18, 2010

Plays Day 3

I liked being a part of Natalie's play, because I felt like all the characters were clearly defined, and so their contrasting personalities were what created a successful conflict. I also liked that the play was set in a theater, and that I got to move up and down the stairs because I felt like I was really interacting with the space.

Hugo's play changed a lot from the first time I read it, and I think he made some great improvements. The enigma of Natalie's character-- not only that we didn't know what she looked like, but in terms of the things she said-- drew me in as an audience member. Natalie's exit was a great reversal, amplified by the fact that we then got a glimpse into Hugo's character (we had only been focusing on Natalie's), learning that he has a history of being delusional, although he seemed like the normal one.

Allison's play was interesting because I thought she used the space really well: the claustrophobia was so tangible. I also thought she did a good job of building tension (Montana's discomfort made me SO uncomfortable, in a good way), and then revealing that Montana's character improved without noticing.

I loved the reversal in Ben's play. I think the play became so strong when Montana revealed that this was some weird game she likes to play, because it raised so many questions: what kind of psychological issue would drive her to do something like that? Did she just want attention? How long had she actually been in there?

I thought this play was also successful in raising questions: In particular, why does a seventeen year old play these types of games? I also thought it was interesting when it was revealed that Ben's character might not have been completely truthful, since it was now clear that he didn't actually live in the building, yet he knew the name of the other character.

1 comment:

  1. "Natalie's exit was a great reversal, amplified by the fact that we then got a glimpse into Hugo's character (we had only been focusing on Natalie's), learning that he has a history of being delusional, although he seemed like the normal one."

    I love that you said how we were focusing on Natalie's character the whole time and then at the end, Hugo's character, who seemed like the normal one of the two, was actually delusional. I didn't look at it this way, seeing how the two characters sort of switched places. This makes me look at the play in a different way and makes me like it even more so thanks for pointing it out!
