Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vicky's Manifesto

A play can be pretty much anything as long as it holds a story and characters. For instance, I recently saw a flamenco show with my spanish class. There was a particular dance with a man and a woman. There was no dialogue, however, the gestures, movements, and facial expressions of the dancers conveyed a story. First, there was the meeting of the man and the woman, the intertwining of their two beings in love, lovers quarrels, and a disgruntled yet captured embrace at the end. To me, this dance was a play. It felt like a play. I think partially because it touched me emotionally and partially because of the fact that it told a story without coming up front and telling me. It conveyed its meaning more subtly. I think, in essence, that is what a play is. A subtle telling of life or of lives. However, this definition makes me want to force myself to dismember that concept. I think you could generally say the same of novels, that they're a telling of life or of lives, and yet one of my favorite books, Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo, is about death rather than life. I guess I don't really think I can really define a play because art can become anything you want it to be. There's a street artist who makes installments using garbage bags. If I presented someone with a garbage bag they wouldn't consider it art, but you can take it and make it art. I don't see why one couldn't do the same in a play.


  1. Okay, so I agree you can do the same thing with a play, so long as you don't hire dancers to speak on stage. It is the only thing that always ends up badly and then you sometimes end up with " I have a MESSAGE and I want to convey the MESSAGE and I will do anything to get my MESSAGE across and I am making a STATEMENT" at that point it just becomes too in-your-face. And you have to be careful here between the difference between performance art and plays.

  2. I really really like your last couple sentences, saying that art can really be anything. It is so Dadaist of you! I think in order to truly understand how you understood this flamenco dance to be a play, I think I would have to see it. To me, performing is an art but there is a difference between dance and theater; especially good dance and good theater. For good theater you need to have good actors and for good dance you need to have good dancers. I wouldn't want to watch myself prance around a stage on point because it would be terrible--I have no dance training. I think dance can still tell a story without being theater or a play.
