Monday, April 5, 2010

Stairwell Plays

Stephanie- Stephanie's play was extremely sentimental. I think Stephanie did the best job of arriving late and leaving early. Her effective use of the storage room as an attic was one of the most believable parts of her play. I also think Stephanie was extremely effective in conveying the distance between the father and daughter. The audience was guided into a strong sense of loss. Stephanie used the upper room as both the daughter's bedroom as well the attic, which I found a little confusing. However, overall, I think Stephanie's approach was unique, definitely leaving audience members feeling nostalgic.

John- Without a doubt, John's play was the most disturbing of the site specific plays. John successfully utilized the entire stairwell. The way John used the space gave audience members a strong feeling of suspense. I think the script could have been tightened up a little; considering the idea behind John's play, fewer words could have been more effective. I think if the script had been extremely stark it could have had a greater effect on the audience. Regardless, the play had strong bones and an extremely effective utilization of space.

Vicky- In my mind, Vicky's play was easily the most unorthodox. Because neither of her characters were entirely sane, audience members wondered throughout the play what was real and what was imaginary. I found some of the dialogue was little hard to follow, but I think that was because Vicky's play was very ambitious. I think her play would have made a lot more sense to me had I read the script. However, I think the concept behind the play is extremely interesting and original; it's definitely a play I'd like to see done again.

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