Bad Play—1st Draft
The characters are on a bus in the afternoon. Genna and Chris are seated next to each other, with Genna at the window seat and Chris in the aisle. The bus stops, and the bus driver gets out and stands in line for ice cream.
Hey, what are you doing? We’ve got to be somewhere!GENNA
(Mumbles) Shit, are you kidding me? I’m going to be so late.People shuffle and groan. One person shoves Chris while he moves past, squishing him against Genna.
Sorry, sorry.Genna looks uncomfortable.
What are you going to be late to?
Me? What?CHRIS
Are you going to the dentist or something?GENNA
Um… (looks away, clearly unnerved)CHRIS
OK….Chris gets elbowed by another passenger.
Ow! Shit.
Shifts and squishes Genna more.
(Mumbles) It’s ok.CHRIS
It’s like four—(consults watch)—thirty-seven. Who’s in a rush at 4:37 in the afternoon?Genna takes out her phone and fiddles with it.
Hey, is that the iPhone? I’ve got the Droid. (Imitates Droid voice) Droid. Droid. Droid—GENNA
I don’t know you!CHRIS
Uh, I guess not.GENNA
So I’m a little uncomfortable right now. I don’t really want to talk to you because I don’t know you and I would like you to leave me alone please.CHRIS
Oh, I’m sorry, really… Am I just being really annoying?GENNA
No! (Visibly irritated) It’s just that, I don’t know, you’re a stranger and honestly it’s a little weird that you keep talking to me. I am a girl. You can’t do that.CHRIS
I’m not, like, a rapist!Nearby passengers give him weird looks.
I didn’t say you were a rapist, I’m sorry…CHRIS
What the fuck.Driver can be seen leaving ice cream parlor and going to gardening store next door. Collective sighs and sounds of malcontent can be heard from the passengers. Genna stands up.
Let’s get him fired!CHRIS
How the hell are you going to get wherever you’re going if there’s no bus driver?GENNA
(To Chris) Shut up. (To other passengers, who have all gone silent) This guy walked out on us!PASSENGERS
Yeah! Right on!GENNA
Are we going to stand for this?PASSENGERS
No way! (Cheering)GENNA
I will drive this bus! Screw my dentist appointment!Genna plops down to retrieve her bag, then tries to get out of the seat. There is an awkward attempt by Genna to get out of her seat and into the aisle, past Chris. The passengers are all watching her eagerly as she slowly pushes her way past Chris and into the aisle. Just as she gets out of the booth, the bus driver reenters the bus, cup of ice cream in hand, and spade in the other.
Thank God he’s back!The bus driver starts driving. Genna
is still standing, but no one is paying
attention to her anymore, and everyone has gone back to what they were doing: reading, listening to music, etc., like nothing happened.
This is ridiculous!CHRIS
Your mom's ridiculous.GENNA
Hey! You’re just some creep who started talking to me on the bus. Who starts talking to random strangers on a bus? Random female strangers? How sketchy can you be?CHRIS
I was just trying to be funny!GENNA
Well you weren’t.CHRIS
You’re right, potential rapists don’t have a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteGreat! Thanks. Remember to bring enough for your group.